How can I place an order with AAA Worldwide Enterprises Ltd.?
To place an order, simply contact our sales representatives directly. You can reach us via the following contact details:

What shipping terms do you offer?
We provide flexible shipping terms, including CIF, C&F, and FOB, tailored to meet your specific preferences.

What payment methods and currency do you accept?
All pricing is quoted in US Dollars. We accept payment via irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight or wire transfer.

What is the typical production lead time?
Our standard production lead time is 60-80 days.

Is there a minimum order requirement?
Yes, the minimum order is $5,000 per shipment. Orders below $5,000 or those that do not meet the minimum quantity requirement will incur a 5% handling charge.

What are the Terms and Conditions of Warranty?
For products purchased by clients, the statutory period is 12 months, except where specific exceptions have been agreed to between seller and client.

How are your products packaged?

  • Lights and Switch Panels: Packed in blister packs with backcards.
  • Solar Vents and Oil Pumps: Packed in polybags with header tags.
  • Hinges and Cork Keychains: Packed with header tags.